CI flexo press: Uteco - Diamond HP

The machine is said to be the highest expression of Uteco’s Direct Drive Evo potentialities - a technology that provides unique features and a range of benefits for converters

01 Feb 2021 | By WhatPackaging? Team

The machine boasts its printing speed of 600m/min both with solvent and water inks

The first Uteco Diamond press was installed in India in 2008.

Around 17 machines in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh in models such as Diamond, Crystal, Onyx and Onyx-XS.

The Diamond HP is an expression of productivity, with its printing speed of 600m/min both with solvent and water inks. Besides a new drying system, it also offers flying deck-ready features as well as the high stability of the colour units. The machine is said to be the highest expression of Uteco’s Direct Drive Evo potentialities.

The machine is popular because it provides value for money for converters offering high productivity, reliability and performance.

The main goal is to directly connect the machine with the order management system to gain control over costs and production timing. Uteco has been working hard in the past years to offer such a level of integration to its customers, together with the high printing quality and the waste reduction at job change.

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