Private View: Dabur Honey Squeezy

Soma Roy, associate manager - packaging quality, Marico reviews the technical nitty-gritty, functional aspects and performance of three new food packages.

The Dabur Honey Squeezy is a bee-hive shaped PET bottle which contains a ribbed body.

07 Mar 2019 | By WhatPackaging? Team

Soma Roy of Marico 
The product can be simply coined as ‘A beehive in your hand’. It has a very stable pack with a ribbed body. The shape of the jar is like the honeycomb hanging from the tree branch and the squeezy is perfect to dispense the desired quantity.

The printing is very subtle and with the PET bottle, the golden brown colour of the honey adds to the delight. I really liked the approach of providing a limited effect of the textured varnish, it gives a feel of the honey gleaming inside the beehive. I must say that it is a very well executed print which has smartly displayed the ‘Buy one and get one free’ offer, it was well-merged with the background.