Lt Gen Hasnain – “Let the venom exit, and change will begin”

With the words – Print will rule the world – Lt Gen (Retd) Syed Ata Hasnain set the tone for Print Summit 2017, which over the course of the day emphasised that print today is at a turning point, and though being disrupted in more ways than one, can be revolutionised with new business models and efficiency.

27 Jan 2017 | By Noel D'Cunha

Lt Gen Hasnain said, “situations” are only temporary. “If you have the right leadership, the people, the right passion, the right fire, and the right balance, your leadership will emerge to conquer all adversities.”

Hasnain, an outstanding officer, had set an example of how to use soft power with hard power when he was the general officer commanding in Jammu & Kashmir in 2010-11 which he called – the Heart’s doctrine. “We weakened the militancy by creating an atmosphere of hope.” Apple production rose and money started to come in. It was reported that this promoted a Kashmiri to ask Hasnain, if he was a General or an agriculturist.

During his address, Hasnain went on to say, that both the profession of arms and the corporate profession need the passion in the heart and belly in abundance. “The rank and file will imbibe the passion and fire of the leader,” he said.

Hasnain advice to the gathering was – let the venom exit, and change will begin. “Be a transformational leader. Use brain power, be a great listener, hold conferences, recognition to your people at the right time, allow people to air their grievances,” he said.

Sharing his other mantra of direct leadership, he said, speak to your people directly – “on a one to one basis”. “It promotes happiness and does it effectively.”