Maharashtra textbook bureau invite tenders for textbook paper

Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research are inviting electronic tender from paper mills having minimum production capacity of 30,000 M.T. per annum, manufacturing paper from virgin pulp.

22 Jul 2014 | By Mihir Joshi

The offers should reach their office in electronic format on or before 11 August 2014. Form A-technical tender and form B-commercial tender have to be submitted separately, as per instructions given in the tender document.

Tender form no. Description of Tender   Supply quantity approximately (metric tonnes)   Earnest Money Rs.       Cost of tender form Rs.

1       Text Paper
 (With Mills and Bureau’s Water Mark)
 Cream Wove 70gsm (White shade)
Size: 58.5 x 86cm.
17.6kg per ream and / or 86cm Reels.   14000   5,00,000        1,000  

2.      Map Litho Paper
 (With Mills and Bureau’s Water Mark)
 Map Litho 80gsm
(White shade) size 58.5 x 86cm, 20.1kg per ream        2000    3,00,000        1,000  

3.      M.G. Cover Paper
 M.G. Cover Paper 170gsm
 Size: 63.5 x 91.5cm, 49.4kg per ream   1200    3,00,000        1,000  

For further information and blank tender forms visit: