Chennai’s Orange Creations gets Xerox

Chennai-based Orange Creations has recently invested in a Xerox Versant 280.

17 Mar 2023 | By Rahul Kumar

Orange Creations was started in 2011, and in the last 12 years, the company has grown with the support of its customers in the city

Arun V of Orange Creations said, “The investment is worth it. The ROI on this machine is progressive.”

He added that the functionality of the Versant 280 is good and is able to meet the customer’s needs. “Plus, Xerox has given us proper training, and its engineers are at hand if there are difficulties,” he said, adding. “Post-installation, our experience with the machine has been satisfactory. The machine is easy to use and we received sufficient training.”

He added that with the installation, Orange is able to meet its production at a large scale. “The system does not interrupt or go slow. There is no manual intervention and hence the output is rapid. The colour and designs remain the same and there are be angular changes or slippages,” he said.

Orange Creations was started in 2011, and in the last 12 years, the company has grown with the support of its customers in the city. “Our customers are happy with our services in various segments. Our business has grown with customer referrals, and we have introduced the latest technologies in printing and designing,” Arun V said.

The company offers services in segments such as soft binding, spiral binding, signages of different varieties and annual report printing for corporates.