Print-gyaan: BHU students at Jauhari
40 students from the prestigious Banaras Hindu University visited Jauhari Printers (JPPL) in Varanasi to grasp print manufacturing capability. The students are studying in third year of the Bachelors in Fine Arts (BFA). Accompanying these students were scholars and researchers from the university. According to Apruv and Akshay of Jauhari, the entire group spent maximum time in the pre-press department to see monochrome transform into vibrant colour.
25 Nov 2014 | By Rahul Kumar
Established in 1928 at Allahabad, Jauhari Printers shifted to Varanasi from 1980 onwards. Around 100 people work in 1,00,000 sqft area 24 hours operations
Ankita Kumari (a student of BHU) spent most of her time with the CTP machine. "It was worth coming here, as I got to know all the aspects of printing, design and final product," she says
Apurv and Akshay Mittal, fourth generation of JPPL ownership briefed the group of students about the company and its workflow
The students were guided by the company's staff - and the tech specs were explained
Nimit Singh, a student, watches the most important part of the printing process
Students learn about the rules for imposition and file settings
The 40 fine arts students who were escorted by research scholars made copious notes during the factory visit
"The offset printing machine from Heidelberg attracted me much," Prasahant Gupta, a student
In packaging process, die setting, lamination, carton pasting were explained to the students
Students were divided into five different groups: designing, pre-press, press, packaging and binding
During the visit, they found CTP to be new, as they work with films in their course structure
Apurv & Akshay, owners of JPPL intiated the industrial visit, so that the students can have practical hands-on experience

Most of the students spent time in the designing section as they got to learn about after printing tactics in design
The students were surprised to see the Heidelberg SM72 F and SM 72 S and also two four colour printing presses in Varanasi
Yogita Dalmia, a student, says, "I learned about the entire printing process."
The students were given training in plate setting and registration process
Shivani Gupta, learnt many things about design and printing process, how it will help her design on new paper substrates
Akansha Srivastava came to know about layout through which he is going to design
Manish Arora, a faculty of BHU, spent time on the automatic paper cutting machine which is fully programmable
The eight-decade-old printing company deals in books, packaging and commercial print production
JPPL's publication wing has more than 300 titles
In binding, the students were told about folding, centre stitch, perfect binding, perforation
The students were at the premises of JPPL for four hours
The informed and aware students - a final adieu at the JPPL plant