Corrugator Speak: Gaurev Agarawal, Avon Containners
In a quick Q&A, Gaurev Agarawal talks about the challenges and opportunities facing the big brown box
26 Apr 2018 | By Rahul Kumar
Which segment will drive the corrugation industry in the next three years?
In the next three years, eCommerce and online retail sectors will drive the industry with dynamic growth, as most retail businesses are coming online.
Which kraft paper and box specifications you prefer, grammage and burst factor or ring-crush, edge-crush and box compression tests or short-span compression test?
Internationally, short-span compression test is popular, but I prefer ring-crush, edge-crush and box compression test in India, as most customers are geared towards these.
List the challenges faced by an Indian corrugator.
Paper cracking is a major challenge, as paper mills have increased the use of starch in the paper to increase burst factor and ring crush values. Kraft paper price fluctuation is another challenge. We are working on the same conversion cost despite a four-fold increase in our inputs costs.
What packaging job has made you the proudest in the recent months?
We developed the packaging for the engine of Maruti cars. This reduced the company’s transit damage to zero per cent. The same box is being used for the last seven years, without any change. This is one of our most successful developments.
What would you like to change in your customers?
The different approach towards product development. This needs to be innovation-oriented, not just cost-oriented. Consumers need to see their packaging as a brand image which cannot be compromised for cost.
Why do you think corrugation has a bright future in India?
Yes, definitely. The industry is growing at 15% annually.
Which is your favourite flute and why?
My favourite flute is A, as we can make triple wall cartons in AAA flute, which can replace wooden boxes at an economical cost. This pack will be lightweight, robust and reliable.