Under Forty: Dwipal Patel (Shree Printwell Offset)
Marketing is Dwipal’s forte. He believes individual growth is not sustainable. Photo Orange, his latest venture brings together photo and print specialists. His efforts are complemented by Grishma, his sister at the helm of Shree Printwell Offset.
19 Dec 2014 | By Tanvi Parekh
When did you decide to join the business?
Since childhood I was involved with the business in some way or the other. But it was only five years ago that I started taking sole responsibilities.
Where do you learn the tricks of the trade? In an executive education programme or on the job?
The old adage, “Experience is the best teacher” holds true for me, too.
What is your greatest print / business achievement to date?
Photo Orange, our photobook brand, which I founded three-four years ago.
What do you prefer: a mentor in the industry or brain storming with like-aged?
A mentor. The industry is irrelevant. It is the insight and ethics, which the mentor hands down that I apply in my business maths.
The most frequently used mantra in your organisation?
Mantra: Grow while taking everybody together; individual growth is not sustainable.
If you won Rs 25 crores what would you invest in? Why?
Invest in one, post-press for commercial and packaging; two, in people, and finally, in a pre-press kit and press.
3 am print consultant?
My father and uncle, Pravin Patel and Bhavesh Patel.
The IT system in your firm
IT Technology is a horizontal investment, which supports all the departments. Our system included high-end servers, firewalls, 1:1 net connectivity, barcode scanner, a mobile app for the team and a customised CRM.
One person who impressed you with wisdom. Why?
Steve Jobs.
If you were NOT in this industry, you would have …
Been the best marketing professional for any industry.