Under Forty: Chirag Shah (Yuvraj Printers / Chirag Offset)
Chirag was pipped to takeover the family business from the beginning. After graduation, he started his print journey with his father. Had he not been a printer, we would have been humming songs which he had penned.
19 Dec 2014 | By Tanvi Parekh
When did you decide to join the business?
I am the second generation of our business. Since I was the only male child of the family, it was pre-determined for me to join the family business and I am proud to be here.
Where do you learn the tricks of the trade? In an executive education programme or on the job?
Tricks of trade cannot be learnt; you learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than everyone.
What is your greatest print / business achievement to date?
Of the many, it was my first print job execution for the Hutch (now Vodafone) launch. The project was executed under my leadership.
What do you prefer: a mentor in the industry or brain storming with like-aged?
My father was my teacher, mentor, philosopher and guide when I entered the business. He believed in me. But brain-storming equally plays an important role in any business.
Your motto in life?
Infuse your life with action; don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future.
If you won Rs 25 crores what would you invest in? Why?
50% for upgrading technology, 30% in land, 10% liquid funds, 10% social cause.
For a working lunch if you met the PM of India, what would you talk to him about?
How does he see the printing industry as a whole? How does he want small scale printing sectors to grow? And most importantly, how he visualises society as a whole to grow?
Books on your table
I like writing on philosophy and poetry. I love reading magazines, periodicals, poetry, ghazals and about positive managemen.