'Arun bhai is pragmatic and simple,' says Ramesh Kejriwal

After Mona Doctor, Ramesh Kejriwal of Parksons Packaging, took the opportunity to congratulate Arun Mehta and share snippets of their journey of print in India. Excerpts from his speech:, Associations

08 Apr 2016 | 3384 Views | By Tanvi Parekh

Shri Arun Mehta is a stalwart of the printing industry.The banner of Vakils started by G U Mehta is in full bloom today under the third generation guided by Shri Arun Mehta and currently spearheaded under Bimal Mehta.

Arun-bhai has been looked upon as a guiding force by the entire printing fraternity and lot has been learnt - and gained - through his interactions with the fellow printers.

The first chance i got to interact with Arun-bhai was during Pamex 87. When I was called upon to be a part of the show, it was a thrill for me, not only because I could participate but to get an opportunity to interact with Arun-bhai. Mind you, this was a period when I was busy building my own career in the print industry.

Three instances of my personal interaction with Arun-bhai that i would like to narrate, describe his qualities as a person.

1. Pragmatic and supportive
Arun-bhai was leading Pamex 87 as a chairman and as a leader he needed people for operations, marketing, and financials. Ashok Nerker was working together with Arun-bhai on operations. However to manage the financials of Pamex 87 I was called to join the team. It was during this time that I realised his approach towards delgation and freedom to work independently. As I had the full power under Pamex to care of the financial outlay.

2. Inquisitive and large hearted
During that period in 1987, when we at Parksons were trying to establish ourselves as a commercial printer, we invested in a Heidelberg four-colour 40-inch press, which was the first of its kind in India. I remember Arun-bhai congratulating me. But more importantly, I recall him asking me for the financial model for that machine since it was a big investment in those days. I was quite humbled and tried my best to explain my view point for investing in that machine and he really appreciated my point of view.

3. Humble and simple
Once we had to travel as part of a print delegation. I recall the journey by train which wa sfull of bonhomie and companionship. Later there was a tiny glitch at the host's end about your accommodation. All of us had to stay in a small flat. I recall Arun-bhai taking the lead and sleeping on the floor. The rest of us followed.

Wondederful memories, and a lot to learn. Thank you Arun-bhai. And best wishes to Bimal Mehta and his Vakils team for a brilliant future.

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